SI 25 years
Time flies and Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology (JTIT) is already 25 years old!
To celebrate this occasion, we have prepared a special issue presenting 25 top articles, i.e. those that were most frequently cited in other publications according to Web of Science and Scopus data. We hope this will be a great opportunity to take a look back into the past. We also hope that all authors who have ever published their papers in JTIT will take this opportunity to check whether their piece has made it to the “Top 25 of Most Cited Publications”.
A quarter of a century marks an entire era in the advancement of today's technology. Rather naturally, older publications differ, both visually and thematically, from current ones. Is proves, however, that the journal is evolving and developing on a continuous basis.
Over the years, the topics that the publication was dealing with became more aligned with the current profile and title of the Journal. The number of foreign authors increased and special editions were slowly phased out and replaced by their regular counterparts. The Journal’s program council, made up of highly renowned scholars from all over the world, also helped achieve wide-scale acceptance of the publication within the scientific community.
The Journal has become widely recognizable, both in Poland and abroad. Its reach has increased considerably, as has the group of authors publishing in JTIT on a regular basis for a number of years.
Click here to download this unique special issue as PDF.